Light-weight Network Observability operator without Loki

2024, Sep 19    
Mehul Modi
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Mehul Modi

Steven Lee
Steven Lee's Avatar

Steven Lee


Check out the revised version of this post on the Red Hat developers blog: Light-weight Network Observability operator without Loki.

Recently, the Network Observability Operator released version 1.6, which added a major enhancement to provide network insights for your OpenShift cluster without Loki. This enhancement was also featured in What's new in Network Observability 1.6 blog, providing a quick overview of the feature. Until this release, Loki was required to be deployed alongside Network Observability to store the network flows data. In this blog, lets look at some of the advantages and trade-offs users would have when deploying the Network Observability Operator with Loki disabled. As more metrics are enabled by default with this feature, we'll also demonstrate a use-case on how those metrics can benefit users for real world scenarios.

Configure Network Observability without Loki

Loki as datasource is currently enabled by default. To configure the Network Observability Operator without Loki, set the FlowCollector resource specification, .spec.loki.enable, to false

  enable: false

When Loki is disabled, metrics continue to get scraped by the OpenShift cluster Prometheus without any additional configuration. The Network Traffic console uses Prometheus as a source for fetching the data.

Performance and Resource utilization gains

In this section, lets dive into the query performance and resource utilization differences when Network Observability is configured with Loki and without it.

Query performance:

Prometheus queries are blazing fast compared to Loki queries, but don't take my word for it, let's look at the data from the query performance tests:

Test bench environment:

  • Test: We conducted 50 identical queries without any filters for 3 separate time ranges to render a topology view for both Loki and Prometheus. Such a query requests all K8s Owners for the workload running in an OpenShift Cluster that had network flows associated to them.

  • Test bed: 9 worker and 3 master nodes, AWS m5.2xlarge machines

  • LokiStack size: 1x.small


The following table shows the 90th percentile query times for each table:

Time Range Loki Prometheus
Last 5m 984 ms 99 ms
Last 1h 2410 ms 236 ms
Last 6h > 10 s 474 ms

As the time range to fetch network flows gets wider, Loki queries tend to get slower or time out, while Prometheus queries are able to render the data within a fraction of a second.

Resource utilization:

In our tests conducted on 3 different test beds with varied workloads and network throughput, when Network Observability is configured without Loki, total savings of memory usage are in the 45-65% range and CPU utilization is lower by 10-20%*. Not to mention you do not need to provision and plan for additional object storage in public clouds for Loki, overall reducing the cost and improving operational efficiency significantly.

In our perf tests, kube-burner workloads were used to generate several objects and create heavy network traffic. We used a sampling rate of 1 for all of the following tests:

  1. Test bed 1: 25 nodes cluster - this test takes into account the total number of namespace, pods and services in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, places load on the eBPF agent, and represents use cases with a high number of workloads for a given cluster size. For example, Test 1 consists of 76 Namespaces, 5153 Pods, and 2305 Services.
  2. Test bed 2: 65 nodes cluster - this test takes into account a high ingress traffic volume.
  3. Test bed 3: 120 nodes cluster - this test takes into account the total number of namespace, pods and services in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, places load on the eBPF agent on a larger scale than Test bed 1, and represents use cases with a high number of workloads for a given cluster size. For example, Test bed 3 consists of 553 Namespaces, 6998 Pods, and 2508 Services

The following graphs show total vCPU, memory and storage usage for a recommended Network Observability stack - flowlogs-pipeline, eBPF-agent, Kafka, Prometheus and optionally Loki for production clusters.

Compare total vCPUs utilized with and without Loki Compare total RSS utilized with and without Loki

Let's look at the amount of estimated storage you need for all the network flows and Prometheus metrics that Network Observability has to store. For context, even when Loki is installed, Network Observability publishes a default set of Prometheus metrics for monitoring dashboards, and it adds additional metrics when Loki is disabled to visualize network flows. The graphs below show the estimated amount of storage required to store 15 days of network flows data (when configured with Loki), with Prometheus metrics and Kafka as an intermediary data streaming layer between the eBPF-agent and the flowlogs-pipeline.

The network flows rate for each test bed was 10K, 13K, 30K flows/second respectively. The storage for Loki includes AWS S3 bucket utilization and its PVC usage. For Kafka PVC storage value, it assumes 1 day of retention or 100 GB whichever is attained first.

Compare total Storage utilized with and without Loki

As seen across the test beds, we find a storage savings of 90% when Network Observability is configured without Loki.

* actual resource utilization may depend on various factors such as network traffic, FlowCollector sampling size, and the number of workloads and nodes in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster


We saw having Prometheus as datasource provides impressive performance gains and sub-second query times, however it introduces the following constraints:

  1. Without storage of network flows data, the Network Observability OpenShift web console no longer provides the Traffic flows table.

Disabled table view

  1. Per-pod level of resource granularity is not available since it causes Prometheus metrics to have high cardinality.

Topology scope changes

Should you need per-flow or per-pod level of granularity for diagnostic and troubleshooting, other than enabling Loki you have multiple other options available:

a. Collect flowlogs into your preferred data analytics tool using the.spec.exporters configuration in the FlowCollector. Currently Kafka and IPFIX are supported exporters.

b. In this release, Network Observability also introduced the FlowMetrics API, which lets you create custom metrics that are not available out of the box. The FlowMetrics API creates on-demand Prometheus metrics based on enriched flowlogs fields, which can be used as labels for custom Prometheus metrics. Note: Use this option with caution, as introducing metrics that may have labels with high cardinality increases the cluster's Prometheus resource usage and might impact overall cluster monitoring.

  1. Restricted multi-tenancy - Prometheus in OpenShift cluster currently doesn't support multi-tenancy in a way that Loki does. Non-admin users can be added to cluster-monitoring-view where the user can have access to view all available Prometheus metrics.

    For example, the following command can be used to enable Prometheus metrics, visualizing for the testuser-0 user.

    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view testuser-0

Network Observability metrics use case:

Let's look at a scenario about how users can benefit from metrics published by the Network Observability Operator. For instance, if you suspect anomaly with DNS lookups in your cluster and want to investigate workloads that may be facing DNS latencies. With Network Observability's DNSTracking feature and enriched Prometheus metrics you can quickly set up an alert to trigger on high DNS latencies.

For example, the following alert is triggered for any workloads that experience a DNS latency > 100ms:

kind: PrometheusRule
  name: dns-latency-alert
  namespace: netobserv
  - name: DNSLatencyAlert
    - alert: DNSLatencyAlert
        message: |-
          {{ $labels.DstK8S_OwnerName }} in {{ $labels.DstK8S_Namespace }} is experiencing high DNS Latencies.
        summary: "Trigger for any workloads experiencing > than 100ms DNS Latency."
      expr: histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(netobserv_workload_dns_latency_seconds_bucket{ DstK8S_Namespace!=""}[2m])) by (le,DstK8S_Namespace,DstK8S_OwnerName))*1000 > 100
      for: 10s
        severity: warning

To demonstrate this use-case, I configured the CoreDNS erratic plugin in openshift-dns namespace to add latencies for domain using the following configuration: {
        erratic {
            delay 2 100ms

Configuring for DNS latencies adds 100ms delay to every 2nd DNS request coming in for A test pod performing DNS lookups for every 1 second was created, eventually triggering earlier configured DNSLatencyAlert in my OCP cluster.

DNSLatency alert triggered for threshold > 100ms

Similarly, additional alerts on different DNS response codes could be set up, for example an alert for DNS lookup failures such as DNS queries receiving NXDOMAIN or SERVFAIL responses can also be set up as flowlogs and metrics are already enriched with DNS response codes.

In addition to metrics for the DNSTracking feature, Network Observability provides metrics for other features, such as Round-Trip-Time and Packet Drops.

Conclusion and next steps:

The Network Observability Operator provides the visibility you need to proactively detect issues within OpenShift cluster networking. Now with an option to disable Loki, and instead leverage Prometheus metrics, the Network Observability Operator provides a light-weight solution to visualize, diagnose and troubleshoot networking issues faster and at a lower cost.

Whether you have already deployed or considering to deploy Network Observability, we would love to engage with you and hear your thoughts here.

Special thanks to Joel Takvorian, Julien Pinsonneau, and Sara Thomas for providing information for this article.